The Confidence Course

Get What You Deserve

Get The Confidence Course

(Limited offer: Save 50%)

You deserve more than:

A job you tolerate (+ hate) just to pay the bills

A mediocre relationship where you're not made to feel special

The same crappy wage you've been earning for the last 2+ years

Clients who don't respect, appreciate you or see you as a valued team member

A so-so life that doesn't excite you, fulfil you or bring you a shit tonne of joy

Relationships that make you feel seen, heard + loved unconditionally

A career so fulfilling you wake up before your alarm every morning

To feel healthy, happy + sexy AF in your body, exactly as it is right now

A job that pays you above + beyond what you ever thought possible

Unlimited time doing what you want, when you want, with who you want (including by yourself)

You deserve:

The 90/90 Mindset is your confidence foundation

It's how you think, feel and act confident 90% of the time.

It's a concept that you learn to embody.

It's a way of life.

And it's how you get what you deserve.

A 90/90 Mindset consists of 3 layers:

Think Confident

Act Confident

Feel Confident

Create a confident mindset so your default narrative becomes I can instead of I can't

Take confident action whenever you need to so you can get everything you deserve

Feel confident in who you are, what you can do + how you can bring your desires to life

The Confidence Course is how

you create it

The Confidence Course:

Get What You Deserve

Make the money, sign the clients, work the hours you want

Get the job, the pay rise, the promotion you dream of

Have the deeply connected relationship you desire

Create boundaries, raise your standards + live life on your terms

Travel the world, buy your dream house, fall head over heels in love with your life

Over the course of 6 self paced modules, you'll learn how to think, act + feel confident on a daily basis

You'll walk away with practical strategies and tangible techniques to use every day to become 90% confident, 90% of the time.

And forget needing to spend hours working through an elaborate, unrealistic mindset ritual.

These are tools that can make a difference within minutes.

Past clients say:


"I felt energized and capable of making this work. I felt like I wasn't crazy for having this dream.

Choose Rebecca she's the best friend you need to grow into success. She's not afraid to get her hands "dirty" putting in extra work and care for someone who is as passionate about blooming themselves as she is about seeing her own entrepreneurial growth."


"Now, if I have a bad day, I don't immediately put myself down but instead, I treat myself with the love and respect I deserve as a human. I have the confidence to know that it's not a case of 'if' I will reach my goals, but 'when'.

I have taken action, reached my initial goal + am now moving forward towards ticking the next one off my list"


"I have learned to give myself the time to complete tasks, without feeling guilty and thinking I "should" be doing something else. I've become more single-minded and more focussed.

Rebecca's helped me understand how to focus my approach, and take actions that make a huge difference on a daily basis. I'm so grateful to have had the chance to work with her!"


Rebecca really gave me the direction & confidence I needed to just do the damn thing. She is so kind, friendly and helpful and always made sure all my questions were answered.

She helped me come up with a timeline of things I needed to reach my goals and she reassured me that I was stronger than my fears.

You need to work with her!”


“Working with Rebecca has allowed me to see how my wellbeing directly affects my business, and that it's vital that I put myself first.

I'm amazed at how this program has lead to an increase in confidence in running my business, and most importantly, how I've been able to portray this to business owners as I pitch for bigger and better contracts."

The Confidence Course:

Get What You Deserve

£498 £249

(Limited offer: Save 50%)

Lifetime access to The Confidence Course™

6 Powerful, easy to consume modules to help you become more confident

Private podcast player to learn on the go

Bonus resources to assist you in completing the course

Automatically receive access to future modules

Tools, techniques + strategies you can repeatedly use for the rest of your life

Get The Confidence Course

Hi friend

I'm Rebecca Hawkes, a Confidence & Life Coach here to help you get what you deserve.

12 years ago, I was nearly fired from my job.

I suffered with daily anxiety, regular panic attacks and spontaneous bouts of IBS.

This led to me feeling so afraid every time I left the house that I stopped going out.

My self esteem was on the floor. I had zero confidence.

I wasn't living, I was (barely) existing.

As my boss threatened to fire me, I decided to change my life.

I made a promise to myself that I'd transform my mindset, overcome my fears, and go after everything I desired.

Within a year I'd quit my 9 to 5 and was on a flight to Bangkok to

begin what turned into 16 months of travelling around the world. Solo.

I gave up settling for a below-satisfactory life and instead went

after everything I deserve.

I asked for the pay rises. I upgraded my career. I started my own business. I raised my prices. I signed better clients (and fired the

toxic ones). I got over my visibility fears. I fell in love with my

body. I healed from toxic relationships. I made an abundance

of friends. I spoke on stage. I started the podcast. I became

a co-author. I earned more in my business than I ever did

in a 9-5. I created boundaries, raised my standards + refused

to ever settle again. I stopped wishing I was someone else.

The Confidence Course™ is a resource that can be repeated time and time again so throughout your life you'll be able to continually move to a new level of confidence, overcoming obstacles with ease and manifesting a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Get the...










Pay rise












Family deserve

The Confidence Course:

Get What You Deserve

£498 £249

(Limited offer: Save 50%)

Lifetime access to The Confidence Course™

6 Powerful, easy to consume modules to help you become more confident

Private podcast player to learn on the go

Bonus resources to assist you in completing the course

Automatically receive access to future modules

Tools, techniques + strategies you can repeatedly use for the rest of your life

Get The Confidence Course

Warning: Side effects may include...


When does The Confidence Course™ actually start?

You'll receive access to the course as soon as you sign up. Each module contains between 4-6 trainings.

What format are the training materials in?

The trainings are in video format and can also be listened to via a private podcast feed to make it easy for you to learn on the go. There's also a transcription of each training for those who prefer to read.

Will this help me with confidence to market my business + sell my work more consistently?

When you work on building a solid confidence foundation, it becomes easier to show up as yourself + sell your products/services. Whilst we can't make any guarantees, previous clients who've worked through the exercises in this course have gone on to increase their visibility + make more sales in their business.

Is this just for business owners?

Absolutely not! Whilst business owners can benefit from it, The Confidence Course is for anyone looking to improve their self confidence so they can get what they deserve. This could be a promotion at work, a pay rise, the lifestyle they want, a loving relationship - for example. None of the trainings focus on business strategy.

How much time would I need to dedicate to this?

Each training video is between 5-28 minutes long with exercises for you to complete throughout so you can expect each video to take around 15-45 minutes to complete the first time you work through it. The more accustomed you become to the exercises, the quicker you'll be able to work through them,

Question Mark Illustration
Question Mark Illustration

Do you offer an affiliate scheme?

I certainly do! When you purchase the course, you can choose to become an affiliate and get 30% commission on course sales through your unique link. With just 4 sales, you've made your investment back.

I'm worried I won't follow through on the modules, how can I be sure to complete it?

Completing courses is something I struggle with myself so I've purposefully made each module easy to consume by breaking it up into bitesize trainings. The trainings can be listened to via private podcast so you can learn on the go AND there are bonus workbooks to assit you in completing the course. Why not sign up with a friend and work through together?

What happens

once I've signed

up + paid?

Once you've signed up, you'll receive confirmation of your purchase + information on how to access the course.

Are there live rounds

of the course?

Not at the moment. The Confidence Course is currently a self paced programme.

Ok, I'm 100%

ready. What do I

do now?!

Woohoo! Click the button below and get yourself signed up!

I have more

questions, what

can I do?

No worries friend. Head over to Instagram + drop me a DM: @rebeccalucyh

Question Mark Illustration
Question Mark Illustration

My clients get the pay rises they want, the clients they pitch + set the boundaries they deserve....

The Confidence Course:

Get What You Deserve

£498 £249

(Limited offer: Save 50%)

Lifetime access to The Confidence Course™

6 Powerful, easy to consume modules to help you become more confident

Private podcast player to learn on the go

Bonus resources to assist you in completing the course

Automatically receive access to future modules

Tools, techniques + strategies you can repeatedly use for the rest of your life

Get The Confidence Course

The Confidence Course was designed to help you lay the solid foundations of unwavering confidence that can be steadily built upon as the months roll by.

Say buh-bye to the all or nothing cycle of

confidence and finally embody the levels of confidence you admire so much in others.

It's time for you to get everything you deserve.

What are you waiting for?

Get The Confidence Course

(+ what you deserve)

Important + Disclaimer

As this is a digital product, all sales are final and refunds are not possible. No results are guaranteed or promised. All the information in the course is based on results Rebecca's created for herself and her clients. The course gives you the information to support you but it's your responsibility to implement the techniques and take the action.

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